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3 . 2018

The role of non-economic motivation in motivation system of medical staff in public medical organizations


Non-economic incentives are a significant part of the motivation system in public medical institutions. Limited financing, constantly changing economic environment force them to look for the new ways to increase motivation apart form salary increase. The key advantage of non-economic incentives is that they exert intrinsic motivation. The aim of the study was to evaluate the degree of utilization of the non-monetary incentives in public medical organizations, based on the perceptions of employees the significance of non-economic stimulus. 407 physicians and nurses from public outpatient and inpatient clinics were questioned with a specially designed questionnaire. The results showed, that most managers of public clinics are already applying non-material incentives. For each respondent, the non-economic motivation importance index was calculated. More than half of the respondents (68.3%) had high level of the index (≥8.0). There is a statistically significant difference between managing and non-managing positions in evaluation the significance of factors. For managers, the most important is knowing that the their work tis valued by society. For ordinary physicians and nurses the most important are good relationship with colleagues and the opportunity to apply professional knowledge and skills at work.

Keywords:motivation system, medical specialists, non-economical incentives, public clinics

HEALTHCARE MANAGEMENT: news, views, education. Bulletin of VSHOUZ. 2018; (3): 62-78. doi: 10.24411/2411-8621-2018-13002.

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Guzel E. Ulumbekova
MD, MBA from Harvard University (Boston, USA), Head of the Graduate School of Healthcare Organization and Management (VSHOUZ)

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