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4 . 2018

Proposals of the Russian Academy of Sciences and VSHOUZ to finalize the federal project "Older generation"


In the decree of the President of the Russian Federation from May 7, 2018 N 204 "On the national goals and strategic objectives development of the Russian Federation till the year 2024" is defined to ensure the achievement of 4 sectoral objectives and 12 indicators in the healthcare system [presented in the previous issue of the journal N 3 (2018), P. 5-6]. This article presents an analysis and proposals for the improvement of the Federal project "Older generation", which is included in the National project "Demography". The author analyzes the general position, goals and objectives of the project, as well as its resource provision (financing). Next, there are analysis and proposals for a systematic approach in the development and implementation of the project. The article also proposes indicators and their target values for monitoring the implementation of the project according to the worldwide standards (OECD), here are formed proposals for the formation of long-term system care based on international experience.

Keywords:Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2018 N 204, Federal project “Older generation”, National project “Demography”, longterm care system

HEALTHCARE MANAGEMENT: news, views, education. Bulletin of VSHOUZ. 2018; (4): 8–27. doi: 10.24411/2411-8621-2018-14001

All articles in our journal are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0 license)

Guzel E. Ulumbekova
MD, MBA from Harvard University (Boston, USA), Head of the Graduate School of Healthcare Organization and Management (VSHOUZ)

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