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2 . 2020

Features of financial support of territorial programs of state guarantees of free medical care for citizens in 2018-2020


About 80% of the funds allocated to health care from state sources are financed under the territorial state guarantee programs approved annually and implemented by all government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

In this article, based on a set and analysis of the approved territorial programs of state guarantees of all constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the last 3 years, the features of their financial support in 2018-2020 are revealed.

Keywords:financing of health care, territorial programs of state guarantees of free medical care for citizens, features of financial support of territorial programs of state guarantees of free medical care

Funding. The study had no sponsor support.

Conflict of interests. The author declare no conflict of interests.

For citation: Alvianskaya N.V. Features of financial support of territorial programs of state guarantees of free medical care for citizens in 2018-2020. Vestnik VSHOUZ [HEALTHCARE MANAGEMENT: News, Views, Education.Bulletin of VSHOUZ]. 2020; 6 (2): 27-44. DOI: 10.24411/2411-8621-2020-12002 (in Russian)


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Guzel E. Ulumbekova
MD, MBA from Harvard University (Boston, USA), Head of the Graduate School of Healthcare Organization and Management (VSHOUZ)

Journals of «GEOTAR-Media»