Editorial office of the " HEALTHCARE MANAGEMENT: NEWS. VIEWS. EDUCATION. BULLETIN OF VSHOUZ" journal asks to observe the following rules:

  • The data presented in the article must be original. Sending of materials that are duplicated in other publications or sent for publication to editorial offices of other journals is not allowed. Editorial office is not responsible for the accuracy of the authors' own clinical research results. All works submitted are subject to scientific review. The editors reserve the right to shorten the published materials and adapt them to various sections of the journal.
  • The article must have a cover letter (printed on a stamped letterhead) signed by the head (or his deputy) of the institution where the research was conducted. The letter must indicate that the article material has not been previously published.
  • The text is typed in Microsoft Word using the following parameters: font – Times, size 12, 1.5 line spacing, A4 page size. Materials and scanned cover letter can be sent by e-mail (orgzdrav2015@mail.ru, popova@geotar.ru). This must be accompanied by giving due notice to the editor. Each file must be scanned for viruses.
  • The cover page must include the following: title of the article (abbreviations in the title are not permissible) in Russian and English languages; first name, last name (surname), patronymic in Russian and English languages, position, academic degree and academic rank of each author (authors); affiliation of each author with the appropriate institution; e-mail of each author (if not applicable, indicate e-mails of institutions); full name (in Russian and English languages), addresses, and phone numbers of institutions where the relevant research was conducted; initials and the surname of the head of the division, clinic, department, laboratory; signatures of all authors. The editorial office kindly request when writing their names (and the names of the companies, work places) in English to use the variant that is already included in Russian and foreign databases. When the names are written differently the correct citation of your work is impossible.
  • Surname, first name, patronymic, phone number and an e-mail of the contact person (author) must be provided for communications and sending correspondence pertaining to the material submitted to the editors.
  • The article must contain a brief abstract (summary) in Russian and English languages (volume – approximately 150 words highlighting main article ideas and briefly mentioning the materials and methods of research), as well as key words in Russian and English languages.
  • Volume of articles: must not exceed 15 pages – for original articles, 20 – for lectures or literature reviews, 7 – for descriptions of clinical observations. The following sections must be highlighted in the main part of the original article: “Materials and Methods” and “Results and Discussion”.
  • Important information is provided in bold or italic.
  • When using quotes cited in the article, the footnote indicates should contain the source of quotation (title of publication, year, issue, page).
  • SI units must be used throughout the article. Unconventional abbreviations are not allowed in the publication. Infrequent and highly specialized terms must be explained.
  • Descriptions of medicinal products must include international non-proprietary names (INN). All names and dosages must be thoroughly verified. Producer name and country of origin must be included for all medical diagnostic equipment.
  • Charts, diagrams must be black and white only! The latter are submitted either as separate .eps files in vector format (fonts – italics) or created in Microsoft Word (textures and art fills are not permissible). Photographs, drawings, radiographs (only black and white!) are provided in separate .tif files. The size of the image in the file provided must be equal to its ultimate physical size (in millimeters), 300 dpi resolution must be used. Colored illustrations and diagrams as well as their screen copies are not acceptable.Images of similar type must be identical in size, scale, style of presentation of information. Drawings, diagrams, and tables must be printed out.
  • References in the text are provided in numbers enclosed in square brackets in accordance with the list of references provided at the end of the article. References in the text are provided in numbers enclosed in square brackets in accordance with the list of references provided at the end of the article.

To publish articles in scientific periodicals included in the international data bases, the authors are to produce 2 lists of references: traditional (Литература) – all publications in the native language (the Russian words – in Cyrillic script, those foreign in Latin script) and References – description of the Russian references in Latin script [the authors last names, titles of the sources of publications and the names of the publishing houses are to be transliterated, the titles of the particular works (book, article, dissertation) are to be translated into English].

Further are provided the Lists of bibliography.

ЛИТЕРАТУРА (both in Russian and foreign languages) (ГОСТ Р 7.0.5 2008)


Баев О.Р. Эффективность и переносимость препаратов железа в профилактике и лечении анемии у беременных // Акуш. и гин. 2012. № 8. С. 78–83.

Cerezo A., Costan G., Gonzale A. et al. Severe esophagitis due to overdose of iron tablets // Gastroenterol. Hepatol. 2008. Vol. 31, N 8. P. 551–552.


Стуклов Н.И., Козинец Г.И., Леваков С.А., Огурцов П.П. Анемии при гинекологических и онкогинекологических заболеваниях. М.: МИА, 2013. 220 с.

Materials of congress:

Винокурова С.А., Горшкова Н.Н., Крючков М.И. Трансфузиологическое обеспечение компонентами крови операций реваскуляризации миокарда // Материалы науч.-практ. конф. «Актуальные вопросы экстракорпоральной терапии». М., 2007. С. 112–113.


Бабаев М.А. Синдром полиорганной недостаточности после сердечно-сосудистых операций в условиях искусственного кровообращения : Автореф. дис. … д-ра мед. наук. М., 2011.

REFERENCES (in English) (NLM – National Library of Medicine)


Baev O.R. Efficacy and tolerability of iron supplementation in the prevention and treatment of anemia in pregnant. Akusherstvo i ginekologiya [Obstetrics and Gynecology]. 2012; Vol. 8: 78–83. (in Russian)

Cerezo A., Costan G., Gonzale A., et al. Severe esophagitis due to overdose of iron tablets. Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2008; Vol. 31 (8): 551–2.


Stuklov N.I., Kozinets G.I., Levakov S.A., Ogurtsov P.P. Anemia, gynecological diseases and gynecological cancer. Moscow: Meditsina, 2013: 220 р. (in Russian)

Materials of congress:

Vinokurova S.A., Gorshkova N.N., Kryuchkov M.I. Transfusions of blood components to ensure the operations of myocardial revascularization. Materialy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii "Aktual'nye voprosy ekstrakorporal'noy terapii [Proceedings of the scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of extracorporeal therapy"]. Moscow, 2007: 112–3. (in Russian)


Aganesov A.G. Surgical treatment of complicated trauma of the lower thoracic and lumbar spine: Diss. Moscow, 1983: 96–9. (in Russian)

Note: in case of transliteration of any necessary information please use the site http://translit.net, section BGN.

  • How can I deliver my article?

All the articles are to be delivered in electronic form to the journal e-mail: orgzdrav2015@mail.ru, divine8585@mail.ru

  • Interests conflict and sources of budgeting

The authors are necessary to reflect any conflict of the interests (should any appear) which might have happened in a course of the article production. Ditto, any sources of budgeting (grants, etc).

  • Acknowledgement

The persons being not the authors of the article, however taking part in medical care provision to the patients or providing any technical assistance in producing the manuscript are eligible to be enlisted at the end of the article.

Covering Letter

The article directed to the editors’ office must be supported by the directional letter, which has to be send by separate file. Further we give an example of how to write it.


Every scientific material (article) directed to our journal will be a subject to the expert analysis by no less than two independent peer-reviewers, as well as by the Chief Editor or his Deputy. Upon appreciation the selected for the publication may be modified and reduced (if necessary); the authors (by e-mail) will be provided with the edited version (lead out) of the article prior its publication.

The Article After Reviewing

Before the final variant of the research article presentation, please, take to consideration ALL the comments of the peer-viewers. Together with the text of the final variant of the article a separate file with the table is to be presented, which should contain the peer-reviewers remarks in the left column, and your correctives or comments – in the right column.

The articles designed not according to these rules are neither reviewed nor returned to the authors.

No payment is presumed for publication of the manuscripts.

Additional information

Each author of our journal need to register on ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is an Open system of indices of scientists and researchers (registration is free).

Instead of filling in personal data in countless electronic forms associated with the publication of articles or grants, the researcher can simply enter an ORCID number and different fields will be filled automatically using data from the database of articles, citations, grants and contact information.

ORCID helps to distinguish authors with the same name.

ORCID solves the problem of different spellings of authors` names - your data always can be found at ORCID, so, your personal citation index increases.

Guzel E. Ulumbekova
MD, MBA from Harvard University (Boston, USA), Head of the Graduate School of Healthcare Organization and Management (VSHOUZ)

Journals of «GEOTAR-Media»