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1 . 2018

On the rational system of organization of health protection and medical care

AbstractIn the article some questions of health protection and organization are considered. medical care for the population. Separately, the problem of transition from therapeutic medicine to preventive. The role of schools of public health and scientific immuno-genetic research in prevention of diseases. Rationalization is carried out from a position population, patients and the state, as well as to optimize its costs.

Keywords:health care, medical care, health care organization, prevention, public health schools, immuno-genetic research

HEALTHCARE MANAGEMENT: news, views, education. Bulletin of VSHOUZ. 2018; (1): 39-46.
DOI: 10.24411/2411-8621-2018-00005

All articles in our journal are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0 license)

Guzel E. Ulumbekova
MD, MBA from Harvard University (Boston, USA), Head of the Graduate School of Healthcare Organization and Management (VSHOUZ)

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