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2 . 2023

Sociological study of the creative abilities of young doctors


Background. Creativity is a passion for innovation, which has been the lot of a few for centuries. The study of the consequences of creativity going beyond art seems extremely timely for representatives of different professions, including medical workers. The article considers one of the possibilities of didactic support for the education of creativity when mastering the profession of a doctor.

Aim – to identify latent creative intentions of young doctors in working with tools with the usage of the method of content analysis

Material and methods. As part of the “Workshop for residents in case of temporary transfer of the discipline “Pedagogics” to a remote format,” students were asked to write an interview with a working tool, for example, with an ultrasound machine. 479 people took part in independent work for 2 years, 131 of them (27%) chose a creative task. Data processing was carried out by the content analysis method, using the Microsoft 365 (Office) platform and the Anti-Plagiarism service (, document No. 883). The coding system is based on the frequency, direction, intensity and space of the text content.

Results. The affiliation of 2216 units of account to the three studied lexical and semantic fields of the concept of “creativity” was revealed: creative thinking – 2.25%, creativity as self-realization, professional growth – 58.3%, creativity as a responsibility for the introduction of innovations – 39.44%. The frequency analysis of three lexical and semantic fields revealed the dominant semantic units of creative attitude to working tools: in thinking – speed and ease (1.8%), in professional growth – teamwork (8.07%), in responsibility for the introduction of innovations – pain relief, elimination of discomfort during therapeutic measures (7.01%), kindness (11.47%), reduction of time to solve patient’s problems (4.7%).

Conclusion. The analysis of the data indicates the possibility of intensifying the meaning of creativity in the medical profession due to the client-oriented clinical thinking. Recommendations on didactic support for the development of creative abilities of residents are given.

Keywords:creativity; self-realization; professional growth; ethics of doctor-patient relations; content analysis; sociology of medicine

Funding. The study had no sponsor support.

Conflict of interest. The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Contribution. Scientific leadership of the study, concept and design of the study, analysis of results – Serova I.A.; collection and processing of material, statistical data processing, writing and editing of text – Yagodina A.Yu.

For citation: Yagodina A.Yu., Serova I.A. Sociological study of the creative abilities of young doctors. ORGZDRAV: novosti, mneniya, obuchenie. Vestnik VSHOUZ [HEALTHCARE MANAGEMENT: News, Views, Education. Bulletin of VSHOUZ]. 2023; 9 (2): 27–37. DOI: (in Russian)


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Guzel E. Ulumbekova
MD, MBA from Harvard University (Boston, USA), Head of the Graduate School of Healthcare Organization and Management (VSHOUZ)

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