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4 . 2023

Organizational aspects of the implementation of the national project “Healthcare” in the regions of the Russian Federation


This article provides an overview of the successful implementation of two national projects: “Health” and “Healthcare”. The main achievements of the priority national project “Health” include several items: the training of general practitioners, increasing of medical workers salary, equipping with diagnostic equipment and updating the fleet of ambulances, taking measures to prevent, detect and treat viral diseases, including socially significant viruses. Also 15 federal centers of high medical technologies were created. As a result of the project, in 2015, life expectancy (LE) in Russia systematically increased to 70.8 years.

The second national project “Health” is being implemented from 2019 to 2024. The national project consists of 8 parts that lead to the achievement of the National goal, namely, to reach 78-year life expectancy by 2030. In the course of the second national project, there are several current plans: modernization and re-equipment of the outpatient hospitals, construction/reconstruction/repair of medical facilities, renewal of the vehicles and medical equipment fund. “The Ministry of Health” and “Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare” have developed a number of solutions to reduce the period of making changes and decrease the risks of failure to meet the federal projects planned values, indicators and results.

The development of healthcare infrastructure turn up the HR issue, namely, the search, attraction, training in working with new equipment, increasing the motivation and involvement of medical and non-medical staff. At the moment, “The Ministry of Health” is developing and implementing a number of organizational solutions to increase the availability of medical care in the face of a staff shortage (for example, the reparation of responsibilities between junior medical and non-medical employees).

The article provides examples of successful practices for the medical staff development. For example, within the framework of the state program “Integrated Development of Rural Areas in the Republic of Bashkortostan”, a pilot project for the construction of housing provided to medical workers under a housing contract was implemented in the Duvansky District. In the Udmurt Republic 30 medical classes have been created since 2018. In 2022, the interregional forum “Start” was organized to develop and support medical students.

Keywords:national project; healthcare; life expectancy; medical staff

Funding. The study had no sponsor support.

Conflict of interest. The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Contribution. Literature review, conducting focus groups in regional governments to determine best practices within the framework of the implementation of the National Project – Moskvina S.S.; comparative analysis of the implementation of national projects, research on achieving target indicators in the regions of the Russian Federation – Rakhmatullin A.R.; collection and processing of analytical information – Yakhina R.R.

For citation: Moskvina S.S., Rakhmatullin A.R., Yakhina R.R. Organizational aspects of the implementation of the national project “Healthcare” in the regions of the Russian Federation. ORGZDRAV: novosti, mneniya, obuchenie. Vestnik VSHOUZ [HEALTHCARE MANAGEMENT: News, Views, Education. Bulletin of VSHOUZ]. 2023; 9 (4): 29–38. DOI: (in Russian)


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Guzel E. Ulumbekova
MD, MBA from Harvard University (Boston, USA), Head of the Graduate School of Healthcare Organization and Management (VSHOUZ)

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