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1 . 2024

Padre reanimazzioni – Vladimir Aleksandrovich Negovsky


The article highlights the main stages of the biography of the outstanding scientist Vladimir Aleksandrovich Negovsky (1909–2003) – a major pathophysiologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences (1943), professor (1947), Academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences (1975).

Scientist and science organizer V.A. Negovsky was a man of extraordinary abilities. He is the founder of a new medical science – resuscitation, the subject of study of which is pathology, therapy and prevention of terminal conditions. He also became the founder of the school of domestic resuscitators, the creator of the world’s first Research Institute of General Reanimatology (SRIOR RAMS), the discoverer of a new nosological unit (post-resuscitation disease), a laureate of the Stalin Prize of the second degree and the USSR State Prize.

Keywords:Vladimir Aleksandrovich Negovsky; scientist; pathophysiologist, resuscitator; organizer of science; scientific works; publications; scientific activity

Funding. The study had no sponsor support.

Conflict of interest. The author declares no conflict of interest.

For citation: Serebrennikov S.V. Padre reanimazzioni – Vladimir Aleksandrovich Negovsky. ORGZDRAV: novosti, mneniya, obuchenie. Vestnik VSHOUZ [HEALTHCARE MANAGEMENT: News, Views, Education. Bulletin of VSHOUZ]. 2024; 10 (1): 104–10. DOI: (in Russian)


1.URL: (date of access August 07, 2023). (in Russian)

2. Moroz V.V., Dolgikh V.T. Academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences Vladimir Aleksandrovich Negovsky. Klinicheskaya patofiziologiya [Clinical Pathophysiology]. 2020; 26 (1): 83–94. (in Russian)

3. Molchanov I.V., Bolyakina G.K., Kamenskaya V.N. In memory of academician V.A. Negovsky [To the 105th anniversary of his birth]. Vestnik intensivnoy terapii [Bulletin of Intensive Care]. 2014; (1): 64–70. (in Russian)

4. Negovsky V.A. Restoration of vital functions of an organism in a state of agony or in the period of clinical death. Moscow: Medgiz, 1943: 172 p. (in Russian)

5. The journal «American Review of Soviet Medicine» was published in the USA in 1943–1948.

6. Negovsky V.A. Experience in the treatment of states of agony and clinical death in the military area. Moscow: Medgiz, 1945: 95 p. (in Russian)

7. Moroz V.V. To the 100th anniversary of Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Vladimir Aleksandrovich Negovsky. Obshchaya reanimatologiya [General Resuscitation]. 2009; (1): 5–11. (in Russian)

8. Negovsky V.A. Revitalization of the body and artificial hypothermia. Moscow: Medgiz, 1960: 303 p. (in Russian)

9. URL:›index.php/whoiswho/11-medicine/841-… (date of access August 08, 2023). (in Russian)

10.URL:,M,RM-Vesti,1999,6-8.pdf (date of access September 24, 2023). (in Russian)

11. Fundamentals of resuscitation. In: V.A. Negovsky (ed.). Moscow: Meditsina, 1966: 397 p.; 2nd ed., revised and additional Moscow: Meditsina, 1975: 360 p.; 3rd ed., revised and additional Tashkent: Meditsina, 1977: 600 p. (in Russian)

12. Negovsky V.A., Gurvich A.M., Zolotokrylina E.S. Post-resuscitation disease. Moscow: Meditsina, 1979: 383 p.; 2nd ed., revised and additional. Moscow, 1987: 480 p. (in Russian)

13. Negovsky V.A., Gurvitch A.M., Zolotokrylina E.S. Postresuscitation disease. Amsterdam, Oxford, N.Y.: Elsevier, 1983: 392 p.

14. Osmanova F.M., Alieva L.A., Gasanova L.G. Philosopher, doctor and eternal wanderer. ORGZDRAV: novosti, mneniya, obuchenie. Vestnik VShOUZ [ORGZDRAV: News, Opinions, Training. Bulletin of VShOUZ]. 2023; 9 (1): 110–5. (in Russian)

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Guzel E. Ulumbekova
MD, MBA from Harvard University (Boston, USA), Head of the Graduate School of Healthcare Organization and Management (VSHOUZ)

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